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Monday, 21 July 2014

Feel the Flow; Be the Flow; Live the Flow ♡

Angels want us to move towards the simple truths of our lives & move towards our most natural inherent True Self in all that we think, speak & do.

Ever thought why 70% of Mother Earth & 70% of our body & of living creation is made up of Water? 
The reason is; because our most inherent true self in the likeness of God is that of "Flowing" represented by the Water.

The qualities of this beautiful Water are the qualities that comprise our Inner Being. That which nature wants us to live by in our lives; so that we come close to operating out of that true inner self & ultimately merge in it.
Angels have given these 7 beautiful qualities of Water, that we need to embed in our Lives & affirmations that would help you in doing so. Take each aspect & do the affirmations, 10 times morning & night for a continuous cycle of 21 days... See how you beautiful set yourself free from your limited self & flow towards becoming your Limitless Self !!! Happy Flowing........ ♡

♡ The Water is the most soft & vulnerable form of Creation that flows in its natural form irrespective of its surroundings & situations, without being able to change the terrain or situation. The only thing it knows is to keep flowing.
Thus, flowing like water we must learn to hold on to Faith & flow seamlessly in all situations & circumstances that our soul has chosen in this Life.
Affirm: "I flow like water in all that I do. I hold onto faith in all situations of my life."

♡ The Water flows through all terrains & mountains, stones & pebbles, rocks & mud, metal, iron & glass, without cursing the Path or revenging it in any way. It flows through knowing all these are it's learnings while it reaches the Ocean.
Thus, we must flow in acceptance, love & forgiveness through our Path, without hate, hurt, unforgiveness & resentments for people or situations that may have seemingly hurt, harmed or pained us.
Affirm: "I flow in complete acceptance, love & forgiveness in my life. I get what I give out & I give out only love."

♡ The Water is so fluid, that it beautifully takes the shape of the container or brackets it is put into, without loosing it's own identity.
Thus, we must flow in our lives with ease & flexibility to understand others & our surroundings. To be open to the point of view of others, whether we implement it or not. To be able to maintain our dignity & viewpoint without hurting others. To know how to disagree, without being disagreeable. To be able to be flexible enough to merge into different viewpoints or situations & loose our ego identity, but not loose our true self. 
Affirm: "I maintain to flow & live my true self in all that I think, speak & do. I speak my loving truth & use the power of No with loving assertiveness."

♡ The Water is tasteless, colorless but is still the only component that can truly quench our thirst. With its seeming identity-less existence, it is still the most imperative & important aspect of our lives. Anything that's made or created has Water in some quantity or other.
Thus, we must know that however insignificant we think or feel we are, we have come here with our own unique purpose & we are important for our lives & that of our loved ones & all those who we have decided to bring into our lives.
Affirm: "I flow in my uniqueness. I am a unique divine expression of life. I live my life purpose to the best of my abilities. My life purpose is as unique as my very existence."

♡ The Water merges in whatever it is mixed & gives a new identity of growth & emergence to the new being, while silently contributing & nourishing the new form. It remains complete in its form & merges it's identity while becoming One, with this new form & being. 
Thus, we should in our lives merge into our situations & with loved ones only to nourish & help them grow into a new beautiful being for the Highest Good of them & ourselves. Only when we are complete in ourself will we be able to complete anyone or anything.
Affirm: "I am a perfect & complete being. I perfectly complete situations & people in my life for the Highest Good of myself & others."

♡ The Water takes in any dirt, muck & comes back to its pure form, once that is released, cleansed or purified. It washes away the dirt while carrying it all with it only to cleanse the part where the dirt was.
Thus, we should move in our lives to be in the world but not of the world. To rise above the seeming negativity & cleanse it away with our power & presence rather than becoming like it. And if anytime we feel contaminated, just like the Water have the power to cleanse & wash away all of that, coming back to your natural pure self. 
 Affirm: "I release cleanse & purify any negativity within or around me. I rise above all the seeming fear based energies in or around me & release it all to the White Light."

♡ The Water is vulnerable, soft, yet strong & powerful to generate it's own energy to break through boulders, mountains, dams & create the current to destroy all that is in its way & ultimately do what it has to do returning to its limitless self. It remains true to that moment of Now & does what it needs to do.
Thus, we must generate & invoke our Inner strength & energy to turn our seeming weaknesses into stepping stones to break through all the seeming barriers & negativity that surrounds us, surmounting all the seeming challenges & destroying all that is unserving. With this continuous shedding we shall return to our Real Limitless Self.
Affirm: "I release & shed all that is unserving. I surmount all seeming challenges with love & courage. I turn all seeming difficulty into stepping stones towards my glorious goals. I am a limitless being which lives in the moment of now."

Ask the Angels to help you Live like the Water. When you start living by the above in its true sense of the word & its very essence, then You will experience the New Limitless You. Let God & the Angels help you reach that Limitless Self that you inherently are, until you merge into the very Oversoul of the Limitless Creator. <3 © Roshani/March2014

Stay Blessed ♡ Heal Your Self; Heal Your Life; Heal The World

The clever enemy called Negative Mind Chatter

Photo: The clever enemy called Negative Mind Chatter 😇

You may be doing everything externally which is in your capacity, to bring positivity, change or healing into your life, but not in awareness of one important deterrent that may be playing the spoilt sport to all your efforts. And that is; your internal mind chatter. The conviction of negativity & eventuality is much stronger & it is that which runs your life majority of the times.

Have you ever notice the constant negative, fearing or worrysome chatter that goes on, in your mind? That chatter keeps clinging to your old, veiled & unserving belief system of, fears anger or insecurity & creates barriers in all your other positive external efforts. 

At times you may feel drained as you cannot understand why things aren't changing. If you're facing this then ask your inner self these few questions. You shall automatically know the internal negative chatter that's driving your life. 

* Am I praying, meditating or affirming for those few mins day & night but rest of the 23+ hours drowning with worry or fear, insecurity, whining, complaining, hurt or unforgiveness?
* Am I doing things, seemingly with someone else in focus? Meaning praying or affirming things for self, but, in the hope that a loved one or another will actually change?
* Am I doing things, because I have no choice but to do it since nothing has worked before?
* Am I doing it, so that I can be a part of some people's lives, or just keep up a status symbol of being knowledgeable?
* Am I doing it, for any other reason but to truly Heal & Change my life? 

Be a spectator & observe this internal enemy. Take our help to defeat them forever.

Purpose, focus, patience, consistency & implementation with complete surrender & faith in the intent to change & heal are the essential ingredients of manifesting all that good, which you are working towards. 
Ask Our help to bring, all these vital ingredients into your life, for you to march ahead towards your Highest Good in all aspects of life. <3 © Roshani/July2014

Stay Blessed ♡
Heal Your Self; Heal Your Life; Heal The World ♡

For Inquiry of our upcoming workshop Awakening to Abundance on Sunday 27th July 2014, please fill the Reach Us Form on our website.

#angelmessages #roshani #sparklingangels #sparklingangelswholeisticliving #sahh444 #sawl444 #selftransformation #innerworld

You may be doing everything externally which is in your capacity, to bring positivity, change or healing into your life, but not in awareness of one important deterrent that may be playing the spoilt sport to all your efforts. And that is; your internal mind chatter. The conviction of negativity & eventuality is much stronger & it is that which runs your life majority of the times.

Have you ever notice the constant negative, fearing or worrysome chatter that goes on, in your mind? That chatter keeps clinging to your old, veiled & unserving belief system of, fears anger or insecurity & creates barriers in all your other positive external efforts.

At times you may feel drained as you cannot understand why things aren't changing. If you're facing this then ask your inner self these few questions. You shall automatically know the internal negative chatter that's driving your life.

* Am I praying, meditating or affirming for those few mins day & night but rest of the 23+ hours drowning with worry or fear, insecurity, whining, complaining, hurt or unforgiveness?
* Am I doing things, seemingly with someone else in focus? Meaning praying or affirming things for self, but, in the hope that a loved one or another will actually change?
* Am I doing things, because I have no choice but to do it since nothing has worked before?
* Am I doing it, so that I can be a part of some people's lives, or just keep up a status symbol of being knowledgeable?
* Am I doing it, for any other reason but to truly Heal & Change my life?

Be a spectator & observe this internal enemy. Take our help to defeat them forever.

Purpose, focus, patience, consistency & implementation with complete surrender & faith in the intent to change & heal are the essential ingredients of manifesting all that good, which you are working towards.
Ask Our help to bring, all these vital ingredients into your life, for you to march ahead towards your Highest Good in all aspects of life. © Roshani/July2014

Stay Blessed ♡
Heal Your Self; Heal Your Life; Heal The World ♡

For Inquiry of our upcoming workshop Awakening to Abundance on Sunday 27th July 2014, please fill the Reach Us Form on our website.

#angelmessages #roshani #sparklingangels #sparklingangelswholeisticliving #sahh444 #sawl444 #selftransformation #innerworld

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

The Baggage ♡ A Beautiful Story

Once, a Junior School teacher asked her students to bring some potatoes in a plastic bag to school. Each potato will be given a name of the person whom that child hates. The number of potatoes will be equal to the number of persons they hate. 

On a decided day, the children brought their potatoes well addressed. Some had two, some had three and some had even five or more potatoes. 

The teacher said they have to carry these potatoes with them everywhere they go for a week. 

As the days passed the children started to complain about the spoiled smell that started coming from these potatoes. Also some students who had many potatoes complained that it was very heavy to carry them all around. The children got rid of this assignment after a week, when it got over. 

The teacher asked, "How did you feel in this one week?" 

The children discussed their problems about the smell and weight. 

Then the teacher said, "This situation is very similar to what you carry in your heart when you don't like some people. This hatred makes your heart unhealthy and you carry that hatred in your heart everywhere you go. If you can't bear the smell of spoiled potatoes for a week, imagine the impact on your heart of this hatred that you carry throughout your life." 

Our heart is a beautiful garden that needs a regular cleaning of unwanted weeds. Forgive those who have not behaved with you as expected including yourself and forget the bad things. This also makes room available for storing good things.

The children understood the lesson and made full efforts to live it. To forgive and move forward with only LOVE in their Hearts.


Stay Blessed ♡

Heal Your Self; Heal Your Life; Heal The World ♡

#roshani #sparklingangels #sparklingangelswholeisticliving #sahh444 #sawl444 #selftransformation #innerworld

Monday, 7 July 2014

Are we really foolish or Are we foolish to think, that God can be bribed?

Now this sweet Donkey Champa in the picture, cannot give anything to Meher Baba in return like, naryal (coconuts), mithai (sweets), candles, gold thrones, fasting, shaving of head, walking bare feet, etc. So does that mean, God would not look at him, love him, or take care of him? All this above, falls in the fear bargain for God, that has been instilled in humanity since eons, which God definitely was never in favor of, in any Era.

All the good & bad in our lives, both are for our Soul lessons, karmic nullification & dissolving of our Sanskaras. When we learn or trascend them, in any incarnation, the events surrounding them stop manifesting thus, pushing the Soul further towards its ultimate goal of Liberation or God Realization.

The lessons for the Soul could be of love, or to release fears & have Faith, or have patience & trust in the Supreme Power or any other.
Yes, we can do all we want from the above for God, but know the bottom motive of "Why you are doing it?" God is no merchant for such bargain or material Thank Yous from us.

HIS gifts from us comprise of (Prem) Love, Shraddha (Faith), Saburi (Patience), Bhakti (Devotion), Samarpan (Surrender), which are aspects of the pure heart.

Some of HIS Wishes & Wants from us, as HIS Highest Creation are;

♡ A Soul that does not Hurt or harm through words thoughts or actions

♡ A Soul who Loves, Obeys or Serves God

♡ A Soul which loves those who cannot be loved

♡ A Soul who sees everyone with equal love n respect

♡ A Soul who is patient in what he gets as an answer to his prayers & positively surrenders with joyful faith when he doesn't get it or doesn't get it the way he wants.

♡ A Soul who respects all events with a joyful heart as God's way of teaching & awakening

♡ A Soul that uplifts & helps the poor, needy & helpless

♡ A Soul that respects & nurtures all of Creation; of Nature & Species

♡ A Soul that truly sees, feels & experiences HIM in everyone & everything around

Now, since humans knew they can not do any or most of those above, they created bargains in the name of God. Society could only be controlled by the fear of the unknown & the unseen. The game of all material bargain, started with this fear.

Sure, we can go ahead by all means to fulfil mannats, wishes, promises, made to God, but at the back of our mind we must keep this firmly stored that, we are doing it all, because we want to do it, for whatever reasons, & not because God wants us to; or because God is expecting us to do it.

Do we really think any of our Godly men, like Sai The Perfect Master who lived as a Fakir all His life, can be bought over by material offerings of golden thrones & crowns or any such offerings, while we do our mad dance of lower Karma in our daily lives? Are we really foolish or are we foolish to think, that God can be bribed?

The very fact we think this, we are lowering God's or Sai's or any of our loved Saints or Prophets status of Infinite Unconditional Love for all HIS Creation.

But we humans are masters of herd mentality & that's what binds us since incarnations. As Souls we need the energy exchange at various levels, till we exhaust all our Sanskaras, as we have to live our Karmic life till we merge with the God Energy. But God in its inherent nature does not need that & we need to, truly understand that all the bargains we do in HIS Name, are our physical fear mind efforts, to bind the Infinite Energy of Unconditional Love to become the very thing that HE is Not; that is Conditional towards us.

As Humans this is our biggest irony, of trying to seek HIM, but not able to Realize HIM dwelling within us, even through lakhs of Incarnated births.

May the Wisdom of God prevail & shower upon us, to make us Humans, move away from the Fear of God & move us, towards the Love of God, until we merge with this Supreme Power from where we all have emerged.

♡ © Roshani/July2014

In HIS Love & Grace,

Stay Blessed ♡
Heal Your Self; Heal Your Life; Heal The World ♡

#roshani #sparklingangels #sparklingangelswholeisticliving #sahh444 #sawl444 #selftransformation #innerworld #godschild

Picture: Meher Baba with HIS pet Donkey Champa in early thirties. ♡

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Seeming separation from God Energy ♡ An important Read

Many a time, I am asked do you follow Baba?, is HE your Guru, or do you follow this one or that one & I would say; "No I don't follow HIM I Love HIM & do best to Live HIM through this body, because HE is not this or that to me, HE is me & HE is everything outside of me too."
This beautiful aspect & entire message was channeled, when I was given my calling message that, I in this Body had to help & empower people, to recognize their Own Divinity within & that of others, to finally become spiritually independent on the Path of Light, to become the very God Energy in all aspects.

When you're following God or Guru, you're merely running after the crust, the form of the Higher Consciousness; A form which is merely a temporary vehicle of representation for the God Energy to come amidst us. You try to read, admire, or learn the teachings or ape them, but may not make efforts or are not able to, or struggling to actually live them. And this blind following without implementing, keeps you at the same spot like a treadmill even though you may have seemingly run 20 kms on it.

This happens as you try to seek HIM everywhere but within. This too, is created due to our evolutionary Amnesia that we are permanently born with, unless the veils of ignorance & dogmatic beliefs driven existence, are lifted.

But when You live the God in You & in your daily life, through the Guru or Mentor who is just like a tuition teacher, helping you to collate information, process your learning, push you to do the homework & ultimately prepare you for the final exam, then you slowly but surely, move to this road inwards where the only person who you shall end up meeting is yourself; that self which is HIM. Once that happens then, You start living the very essence of your inherent True Self of The God Energy. 

Instant magic, instant coffee & instant noodles, are non existent in this Path of discovery of you being the God Energy. Any running or dabbling for or through short cuts, & dimly lit roads, without the aspect of Co creating & working together with Divinty, will only end up in sadness, depression & moving away from the final goal of merging & being that very God that each of us are.

Focus only within & for the within, as all of Universe is existing within you. Only persistent, patient Co creation with Divinity shall bring the Highest Good. In my humble capacity, I bring no external Light, I only try to shine my Inner Light & just hope to tell people where their main switch is to that Light within them.

Awaken this sleeping Energy within & You shall Awaken the all powerful, loving, compassionate & benevolent Being; The God, that is within each of us. When you Live HIS essence all separation dissolves & You & HIM become that which you are - ONE <3 © Roshani/July2014

Love YOU Baba ♡ Jai Meher Baba

Stay Blessed ♡
Heal Your Self; Heal Your Life; Heal The World ♡

#roshani #angelmessages #sparklingangels #sparklingangelswholeisticliving #sahh444 #sawl444 #selftransformation #innerworld #godschild