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Sunday 16 February 2014

Message & Affirmation of the Week ~ 17th Feb to 23rd Feb

This week's message focuses on knowing that an Inner Shift is only possible when, the steps that complete the Alignment of the Mind Body Soul are adhered to.

Angels say; it is important to know that mechanically saying words of prayers or affirmation, shall never create a true shift within, if you do not start living those words in your everyday life & existence.

You need to merge the words in your Inner self in such a way that, you bring them to life in your entire belief system. Angels guide you to feel the emotions & the power of the words when you say them, and then throughout your day, try to live those words. Which means, if you affirm that "I have only loving relationships in my life" then know that the Universe will drive your energies to take you to & bring to you only loving relationships, heal your current ones, irrespective of the fact if at, that point in time you may be going through seeming turbulence in a current relationship/s. To believe you have already healed it, will only help you getting closer to the actual Shift creating the healing.

Know that, the four main ingredients to create a Mind Change / Belief Change and thus a Paradigm Shift are: Intention, Awareness, Acceptance, and Implementation, with your Creative Freewill. Take One out and the Process is incomplete. Whether you do that through healing, affirmations, prayers or any other Path; Living & truly believing what You say, is the Integral aspect here.

Affirmation: 7 Times Morning & Night
"I stand in acceptance and awareness of all my Life changes. I implement the Divine guidance for my Highest Good in all aspects of Life.

♥ © Roshani/Feb2014 
Stay Blessed ♥

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