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Sunday 19 May 2013

Message & Affirmation of the Week ~ 20th to 26th May 2013

This Week's Message focuses on Self Love and knowing our True Spiritual Self

Angels say; you may have been trying very hard to please people, or do many a things to make them appreciate or love you, as you feel you may not be getting nurtured from people, or loved ones around you. They ask you to halt right there, cut these thoughts and start looking within.

You have spent considerable time in life, trying to live by the opinions and judgements of others. Harshness to your self about over perfection & self criticism has also been a trait. If you constantly keep affirming that you're not good, not beautiful, not perfect or any such "not" then rest assured, that is exactly what you will attract from one and all around you. Your fears & anxiety will make sure that it reaffirms these facts to you so that the ego mind gets satisfied of being right about your Inner judgement.

Release all such old patterns of harsh criticism & see yourself with the eyes of God and the Angels. They want you to realize that what you constantly give out is what is coming back to you multifold.  The more you accept the fact, that you and each one of the Creation is created in the likeness of that One God and that in its true sense and nature, you are a celestial, spiritual being made to go through these situations and feelings as a part of your Earthly assignment; the more you feel you are the sparkle of that great brightness, and thus more accepting you will become towards yourself and others.

Mistakes are to be corrected, not harped upon to bring on more negative energy. So stop all critical affirmations about yourself or affirming any lack in your life. Know that when you give love, respect and goodness to yourself, Universe will affirm the same from everyone and everything around you. 

Once you start doing this, you will see the rippling effects of the benefits that accompany all carriers of Love. Know that you cannot give what you don't have. Love is the key.
So, to be a generous Giver; You need to be an excellent Receiver and the more good you give yourself & others, the more you will receive give yourself & others.

Affirmation for this Week 10 times each ~ Morning & Night:

"I am the True Spirit. I get what I give out and I give out only Love. I love, approve & accept myself for what & where I am right now. My life is made up of the choices I make. My choices are made out of love. I make the right choices. I am perfect, whole & complete in all aspects of my life & being."

♥ © Roshani/May2013

♥ Stay Blessed *

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