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Saturday 10 November 2012

In the HEART of IT ALL; Move Towards the Light ^♥^

The Celebrations for the Festival of Lights “Diwali” which is on 13.11.12; has gained momentum in India, and this “Diwali” is of Great Significance to all of us, as we rapidly move towards ‘The Shift’ and preceding that, towards the next Big Energy Waves on 11.11.12 (i.e. Tomorrow) and then on 12.12.12

Today's Date; 10.11.12 is the Date of Consecutive Sync making us aware that Miracles of Sync (which we call as Coincidences) are only going to Increase by the Minute. Moving towards the end of the “Kalyug” (The Dark Age & 3rd Dimension Energies) and moving into the “Satyug” (The Golden Age & 5th Dimension Energies) is a huge task at hand for each of us as Individuals and Humanity at Large. 

As per the Soul Evolution Chart by Meher Baba; this is the Era of the 4th cycle of Human Evolution called the “Realization” Period (the preceding ones being; Incarnation; Reincarnation; and Involution). We are finishing the Involution cycle where each of us have or is being moved / driven & compelled towards taking the Path Inwards. 

This is the Era that shall dispel all Darkness, The Era of alchemy, destruction, surfacing of the Ultimate Truth, destroyal of Falsehood, Malpractices, Superficiality; Lifting of the Veils of Ignorance or Veils of Lies being lifted away; Spring Cleansing of all that had been hidden under the Carpet, Release of all that doesn’t serve our Highest Good and much more.
Yes there will be a lot of upheavels, turbulence in people’s lives, catastrophes, natural disasters etc., but come what may we will have to detach ourselves from drowning into any sort of sympathy, grief, depression or any such lower emotion. Witnessing these events without them crashing you down and in that helping yourself and others who need to be uplifted.
But all this; is only for us to Empty the Old; and Bring in the New, Fresh and Vital.
This period requires us to be extremely Watchful of our Thougths, Words & Actions. You will manifest in an accelerated speed that which you focus your intent on; but as said earlier Negativity travels faster than Positivity. 
All those who are anchored in Negativity are only going to spiral down further; those who are anchored in Positivity will spiral upwards even if it is slower than the other, making sure that each person reaches the Light.

In this period, Love & Compassion, Respect & Care are the only things that will move our Life Boats to the shores, in these Turbulent Seas of the Current Energy Period.

What Humanity has to do is anchor itself in Divinity & thus move towards, being centered in the Beingness of their Soul. That center, balanced point where the Divine Resides. To acknowledge and embrace Your Own Divinity Within & Move towards Spiritual Independence.

♥ So let Your coming Year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness.
♥ Love & Accept yourself for What, Where & Who you are.
♥ Forgive, Unconditionally & Forget, Perpetually
♥ Fall in Love with Your Suitable Soul, and thank them for making you feel wanted, wonderful & best.
♥ Choose a man / woman who compels your strength, who makes enormous efforts on making you happy, who does not doubt your courage or your toughness, who treats you with Love, Care & Respect, doesn’t take you for granted, and the one who has the courage & intent to treat you like Their Utmost Priority.
♥ Read some great uplifting books.
♥ Find your source of Guidance & Light within. 
♥ Help the Needy & the ones below You.
♥ Be happy for the Ones who are better than You.
♥ Love the Humble & Forgive the Arrogant.
♥ Follow your Heart. Don't forget to drive your passion, go traveling, encourage a hobby, make some art, or write or draw or build or sing or live to the fullest and in the Best way, as only you can.
♥ Release all Procrastination.
♥ Release all that doesn’t serve you.
♥ Release Fear, Worry, Anxiety and all other lower emotions.
♥ Release old unwanted patterns, beliefs & mind conditioning.
♥ Move away from People & Situations that drain you and are not for your Highest Good.

And surely enough;
Somewhere in the Coming Year You will surprise Yourself. ^^ © Roshani

In HIS Name, Love, & Gratitude,
May Love Light Grace & Abundance be Unto All ^^

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