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Monday 13 April 2015 ~ Celebrate Your Life events with the lesser fortunate ♡

What a stupendous weekend in Babas Grace. Meher Roshani Foundation was blessed to do a lovely birthday party for 53 under privileged kids sponsored by our sweet Angel Sakshi,  for her 3 year old son Agnay's birthday. We had lots of fun, dancing, games, yummy cake/snacks and a magic show that simply thrilled the little Angels. Sakshi's entire family with her husband, mother in law and 2 kids were there with us and totally hands on with all the lovely work. It was such a delight.

The joy of playing and serving Baba through these kids was such a high. There was a major learning from them, that happiness is truly within us all. Devoid of their situations these kids were so highly charged, joyful, and confident, that it would take some time to absorb the seeming fact that they were from destitute schools or orphanages. It was seeing Babas words come alive. "To be in the world but not of the world."

Thank you to Baba for all the opportunities HE gives to serve HIM in different forms.
May HIS Nazar love and blessings be upon all of us always. We thank all volunteers of Prayas and the Balvadi hall for all their support in bringing the kids for this joyful evening.

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Stay Blessed ♡ Love and Blessings to all ♡

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Jai Baba ♡

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